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Humane rep, Multi-Species Expert & Handler
Cat grew up in a world surrounded by domestic and exotic animals of all kids. As the 5th generation of a family of naturalists, zoologists & animal-lovers she comes by it naturally.
Cat’s mother, Ruth is a zoologist and was a Wildlife rehabilitator & foster mother to exotic animals. As a family they cared for, rehabilitated & handled all kinds of animals. This ranged from ordinary ones like dogs, cats, farm animals & reptiles-- to exotics such as cougar cubs, owls, monkeys & native wildlife. Even as a child Cat had a ‘special touch’ & was able to handle animals that others could not.
Ruth started one of the first professional animal agencies in New York over 65 years ago. She continues to work, teach and advise as the longest working animal professional on the East Coast.
After Dartmouth, Cat worked in Advertising, Production & Communications. Throughout all these years she consistently continued her involvement with animals.
Cat has provided Animal Education & Pet Therapy to camps, schools, special needs & seniors. Her years handling animals along with decades of set work, make her an exceptional Humane Animal rep.
Zoologist, Animal Consultant, Educator & Producer
Ruth grew up in a family where her father & grandfather were naturalists & doctors. In an era when exotic animal vets were rare, they were asked to care for unusual animals because of their medical background and interests. They saved many animal's lives.
Ruth started at Yale’s Animal Sciences Dept. before continuing her work at the Bronx Zoo. She became an animal educator, sharing her knowledge & respect of animals to thousands of people. In addition to her daily work as a zoologist & wildlife rehabilitator, she has fostered many domestic & exotic animals.
When television was new, Ruth hosted her own educational children's program on live TV. Ruth later became Lead Zoologist on the CAPTAIN KANGAROO TV show. She provided animals every day over its 30 year run. Ruth earned two Emmy Awards & a Peabody. She authored a book, A Zoo Comes to You, & has been featured in many publications.
Ruth loves & respects animals to this day. She continues to teach, consult & advise others in her field.
Humane rep, Dog Expert & Multi-Animal Handler
Kara’s love of animals, especially dogs, started at a young age & evolved as an adult. Her interests inspired her to take seminars & training classes with her dogs. As a result, Kara’s passion became her lifelong career.
Kara’s life has been especially fulfilling through her advocacy work for animals. She helps rescue and shelter groups assess and place dogs in need. Kara has many rescue dogs of her own in her home.
Kara serves on the boards of two 501c animal groups that educate and promote animal welfare and rescue. Although dogs are her specialty, Kara has extensive set experience with a wide range of species including butterflies, bears, goats, snakes, birds, kangaroos, lemurs and more.
Having initially started in Customer Service, Kara found her true calling when she joined All Creatures in 2011. Her people skills combined with her animal expertise makes a perfect combination. Kara’s ability to accommodate the challenging & changing needs on set is a tremendous asset to clients, production and animals alike.
Humane rep, Multi-Species Specialist & Cat Expert
Sharyn grew up with rescue cats and continues to work with feline rescue groups and shelters decades later. She has helped humanely capture, spay & neuter many cats in the community. She has also fostered mother cats and newborn kittens giving them a strong and healthy start in life until they find their forever home.
Sharyn’s work evolved as she became a vet tech at a veterinary clinic. Her focus and passion includes learning the Psychology and Natural Behaviors of the cat species.
Sharyn’s unwavering standards, ethics and ability to understand and work with animals and people on sets is a tremendous asset to all.
Humane rep, Multi-Species Specialist & Dog Expert
Michelle’s love of dogs started as an adult when she opened her home & heart to her first dog, a Border Collie named "Taboo". Little did Michelle realize how much this adopted dog would change her life!
As her human-dog relationship grew, Michelle started doing all kinds of activities, training & dog sports. Together Michelle & Taboo trained and competed in flyball , dock diving & frisbee.
Michelle has excelled as a self-taught trainer and is a dedicated student of positive-training methods. As a result, all of her dogs have become frequently requested talent on set, including Taboo's run as the family dog in Electrolix Dog multi-year ad campaign.
Michelle has developed her knowledge and expertise by working with many different species on set. Her knowledge, sensitivity and people skills are exceptionally helpful and appreciated.
Humane Rep, Dog Expert & Multi-Species Specialist
Trudy is the Agility Training Director at her local dog club in New York. She coordinates and helps train many breeds of dogs. Her specialty is Bearded Collies and they have won many awards working together.
Trudy grew up with a menagerie of pets including dogs, cats, hamsters, rats, rabbits, lizards and snakes. She is dedicated to working with all animals and has expanded her experience to include many species.
Trudy runs a successful grooming business where her clientele are the beneficiaries of expert care and gentle handling. Trudy respects the bond that forms between trainer and pet and loves the challenge of teaching new skills.
Humane rep, dog specialist & Multi-species Expert
Like many on our team, Joe has a lifelong love of animals and nature. He has cared for a wide range of reptiles, amphibians and fish. Joe has also owned, trained, and handled a variety of dog breeds in Conformation, Rally Obedience and Lure Coursing.
Joe is a Social Worker and has presented on the "Human Element in Dog Training" at advanced dog training workshops.
Joe currently works with VetMedics Veterinary Ambulance where they transport critically ill and difficult to handler animals. He volunteers with various rescue groups including Greyhound Rescue & Rehabilitation, and Friends of the Feathered & Furry Wildlife Center. His work sometimes involved assisting Law Enforcement and Environmental Conservations teams with animal rescue and transport.
Joe's experience and sensitivity to animals and people alike is valued both on and off set as a Humane Rep.
Humane Rep & Multi-animal Handler
Kristine has had a love of animals since an early age. When she got her very first dog, a Siberian Husky named Crystal, she knew that she would always have a dog in her life. Kristine's love for animals didn’t stop at dogs, she also had many parakeets and a Quarter horse named Blaze.
As a teenager, Kristine worked as a technician at a veterinary hospital where she often fostered a kitten that needed a little extra love and attention while waiting to find their forever home.
She feels her dog, Jena, changed her life. Jena introduced Kristine to the fun world of Agility, Barn Hunt & Rally. Together they have raised funds for a local food pantry and Meals on Wheels. Kristine is active in her dog training club where she teaches an Agility for Fun class.
Her background as a paralegal with her attention to detail and fastidious documentation is a tremendous asset to SOS in her role as a HAT-d Humane rep. Kristine has worked on set with her own dogs and assisted with other animals including butterflies and cats.
Bird Expert & Multi-species Expert
A lifelong love of Birds/Ornithology led Dan to run his own 501(s)3 Bird Rescue and Sanctuary. His sanctuary includes many birds ranging Hyacinth Macaws to Cockatoos, Sun Conures to Caiques, and Finches to Canaries.
Dan’s personal collection of pets include birds, dogs, ferrets, turtles and many other species.
Dan’s bird expertise and work is also recognized by the County & State. He is frequently asked to shelter confiscated & rescued birds. Dan works with experts in the US and travels worldwide learning from consulting with them.
Dan and his Sanctuary team are dedicated to educating people on the proper care & unique needs of birds. Their Outreach programs are successful in introducing birds to the public and finding forever homes.
Multi-species species specialists (Domestic & Exotics), Animal Educators
Heather & Jesse have acquired a special menagerie of animals all through adoption, rescue situations or a result of USDA confiscation. They have provided animals-in-need with a stable forever home regardless of their initial circumstances. Together they supply excellent care, wonderful meals & nutrition, and a caring environment—often for their first time in these animals' lives.
Heather & Jesse offer Educational Animal programs to schools, camps, Nursing Homes and Special Needs Facilities. They continue their work during COVID times though remote and zoom programs.
Their Animal Ambassadors include kangaroos, lemurs, tortoises and many rescued farm animals.
Birds of Prey Handler, Master Falconer
Brian has been an educator to thousands of people interested in Birds of Prey and the natural world over the years. His passion and interest started as a child where he apprenticed world renowned Falconer, Hans Meng. Brian’s works with a wide range of birds including hawk, owl falcons, crows, kestrels and eagles.
His working relationship with his birds is based on understanding nature and what naturally motivates birds.
Brian’s educational programs touch on the natural environment, conservation, animal behavior and the Arts & Science of Falconry.
Marine & Aquatic Specialist & Multi-Species Expert (including reptiles, amphibians and dogs)
A true multi-species specialist, Steve has been a Herpeculturist his entire life. Although his love of reptiles and Amphibians is diverse (snakes, monitors, turtles) his specialty is rare Geckos. Steve collaborates on projects around the world and studies species in their native habitat.
As an Aquatic/Marine Specialist (freshwater, saltwater and invertebrates) for over 25 years, Steve has been instrumental in many projects and productions involving special fish tank set ups. His attention to every detail from temperature, salinity, Ph, oxygenation & circulation ensures the animals are safe and happy.
Steve has also worked as a professional dog trainer and behavior specialist. He collaborates with shelters on temperament testing to help desensitize negative behavior and fear issues.
Vet tech, Multi-species Specialist & Dog Training Expert
Shannon is a licensed Veterinarian Technician working in the vet field for over 20 years. In addition to general animal practice, Shannon specializes in surgery. In working in this field she handles and works with many animal species.
Shannon has been involved in many dog sports including Obedience, Agility, Rally, Fly Ball and Protection work. She has a special fun participating in dock diving with her dogs.
Shannon has an exceptional human-animal bond with all of her dogs and especially enjoys the range from high intensity performance to snuggling on the sofa.
Dog/Horse Specialist & Handler Trainer
Erich grew up always having a dog, a cat, & even birds around the house. Like many of our team members, he was able to turn his love of animals into his lifetime career. In high school Erich worked at a horse farm where he learned how to care for and handle horses. Later as an adult, he expanded on his animal-interest by learning & participating in various dog sports. He actively enhances his knowledge by taking training seminars - many with his own dogs!
Erich and his wife have also opened their home to many foster dogs over the years. They donate their time & skills by assessing shelter & rescue dogs so they can be properly placed and end up in their forever homes.
Erich's work has included a position at an animal sanctuary where he cared for, assessed and trained dogs in different capacities ranging from police work, to veterans & other forms of animal-assistance work.
Erich is currently working at a horse sanctuary helping people through horse therapy. Erich’s breadth of experience is a great asset to the team as he has worked on many sets as a trainer, handler and wrangler.